
Tax support is a set of legal and accounting services within the framework of which legal optimization of taxation will be ensured, the tax burden will be reduced and protection from claims of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation or foreign states will be provided.
1. Tax planning: what it is and how it can be useful
Tax planning is an initial assessment of a company's future activities in order to assess the tax burden on the company in connection with such activities. Within the framework of the Russian Federation, the best taxation schemes and benefits will be proposed, suitable for the company's activities, allowing to reduce the tax burden to the maximum extent possible in accordance with the current laws. In the case of tax planning of cross-border activities, schemes of interaction of the client's group of companies with each other, as well as with foreign counterparties, will be proposed, taking into account the current rules of transfer pricing, thin capitalization, DTT and other rules in the field of taxation of cross-border business activities, which will reduce the risks of being held liable for tax in cross-border transactions, as well as optimize the tax burden on the Client's activities.
2. Formation of accounting policy and tax reporting
As part of these services, an accounting policy will be formed for the client, which will describe in detail the rules for maintaining accounting records in the client's activities in accordance with the current laws, accounting rules and the interests of the client. In particular, within the framework of such an accounting policy, recommendations will be made on the accounting of "unusual" assets, in particular, cryptocurrency, digital rights, special accounting rules for which have not been established at the moment.
Our accountants will also help you with the preparation of tax returns to ensure that you comply with your tax obligations. Depending on the applicable taxation system, the following will be prepared: income tax return, VAT return, corporate property tax return, tax return under the simplified tax system, 2-NDFL report and other reports applicable to the client's activities. Competently prepared reporting will allow the client to reduce the risk of liability, as well as competently reflect the transactions performed during the reporting period, which also reduces the tax burden.
3. Analysis of the tax consequences of the transaction
As part of this service, a legal and accounting analysis of transaction documents (contracts, additional agreements, acts, invoices and other documents) will be carried out in order to identify all possible tax liabilities that the client may have in connection with the transaction negotiated or concluded, risk assessment due to the presence or absence of certain clauses (including tax and/or currency clauses), as well as the tax burden that will fall on the client in connection with the transaction conclusion. As part of the analysis, changes to the structure of the transaction and/or certain provisions of the agreement/other documents will be proposed in order to optimize the tax consequences arising in connection with the transaction.
4. Pre-trial settlement of disputes with the tax authorities.
In the event that the tax authority files a claim against you or if you disagree with the actions of the tax authorities, our lawyers and accountants will support settling a dispute with the tax authorities for you. As part of the support, we will conduct an in-depth analysis of the situation in connection with which the dispute arose, the position of the tax authority and its justification. During the pre-trial settlement of a dispute with the tax authorities, it is important to competently and correctly build interaction with the tax authority, convincing them of the reliability of accounting documentation.
After assessing the disputable situation, we will help you to draw up complaints to the tax authorities in order to defend your interests, as well as accompany their further consideration by the tax authorities, including, if necessary, our employees will be able to represent your interests in the tax office when summoned for questioning.
Competent support of pre-trial settlement of disputes with the tax authorities will allow you to reduce the risk of bringing you to tax liability or at least reduce the amount of such liability.
- Moscow, Russia
Address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 6, building 2, “Empire Tower”, office 4404