Choosing the most suitable investment scheme is an important aspect to ensure security for the parties to the transaction and attract the attention of investors. When creating the most suitable scheme for a particular project, it is recommended to involve the experienced lawyers. GMT Legal has extensive experience in drafting and implementing various investment schemes and is ready to help projects at any stage of development.

After choosing a suitable scheme, it is recommended to draw up the necessary investment agreement. The correct drafting of an investment agreement in the process of developing a financing scheme for a cryptocurrency project or other IT startup allows you to raise the necessary funds, including at the ICO stage. This agreement allows the company to obtain the necessary financing, determines the conditions and obligations of the parties involved in projects to raise investment, including in cryptocurrency.

Depending on the objectives and nature of the project, investment agreements can be as follows:

  • A loan or convertible loan agreement, including in cryptocurrency. This scheme involves raising investment to finance certain targeted activities.
  • Agreement in relation to shares/interests in the business. The drafting of such an agreement involves the acquisition of interests or shares in companies. Such an agreement regulates the relationship between investors and the business in which the investment is made, and may include terms of management and distribution of profits.
  • Work agreement. This agreement is usually associated with raising investment in specific projects, such as construction or the development of new technologies.

Features of investment agreements

The key features of investment agreements are the targeted use of investments, including in cryptocurrency, and the preparation of a multi-level scheme of the parties to the transaction.

Due to these features, the investment agreement is a multifunctional tool that can adapt to various ways of raising funds, as well as to the requirements and conditions of specific investment projects, including in cryptocurrency. Competent drafting of an investment raising scheme requires in-depth knowledge of financial and corporate law, as well as an understanding of the specifics of the market in which the investment is made.

Important conditions of the investment agreement

When drafting an investment agreement, it is necessary to pay special attention to certain key conditions that provide legal clarity and protection of the interests of all parties in order to raise funds, including in cryptocurrency.

The important conditions include:

  • Object and purpose of the agreement.
  • A scheme for raising investment, including in cryptocurrency.
  • Procedure for risk and liability distribution.
  • Plan for project management and decision-making.
  • Rights and obligations of the parties.
  • Conditions for amendment and termination of the agreement.

Each of these conditions plays an important role in forming the legal framework of the investment process for the project and contributes to the creation of a reliable and efficient working environment for all participants. Careful drafting and negotiation of the agreement scheme not only helps to prevent future conflicts and misunderstandings, but also ensures a clear understanding of the rights, obligations and expectations of each of the parties when raising funds, including in cryptocurrency.

What does the service for the development of the structure of an investment transaction include?

Our specialists provide a full range of services to support investment transactions.

  • Stages of support include:
  • Analysis of the market situation and prospects for the development of the project.
  • Determining and drafting the best fundraising scheme, including in cryptocurrency. A choice between direct investments, borrowed funds, the issue of shares and other financial instrument, including in cryptocurrency.
  • Drafting and approval of legal documents. Preparation of all necessary contracts and agreements, including confidentiality agreements and investment contracts.
  • Advice on taxation and legal regulation.

Support at every stage of the transaction provides not only legal security, but also contributes to the effective use of investment resources. Our specialists will help in drawing up the best scheme for raising investment, including in cryptocurrency, and providing full support of a cryptocurrency project or other IT-startup, including legal support, financial analysis and monitoring of its progress.

Properly organized legal support of investment transactions helps to minimize risks, develop effective financing methods, ensure compliance with the laws and create a stable basis for long-term cooperation between investors and entrepreneurs. A comprehensive approach to each project, the creation of a specific scheme, taking into account the individual characteristics of the business and a deep understanding of the market allow us to provide a high level of service at all stages of the transaction.

We are aware that drawing up an investment agreement is an important task, and therefore we approach each client individually, paying attention to the details and specifics of the project, as well as the financing scheme. We not only provide legal support, but also become a reliable partner in the implementation of your investment initiatives.