When deciding whether to register a legal entity or register as an individual entrepreneur (IE), there are many different aspects to consider. The choice of the form of registration depends on a number of factors: the type of activity, the size of the enterprise, tax liabilities and the level of responsibility. You can read more about choosing the most suitable shape here. In order to correctly assess all the circumstances, it is important to seek the help of lawyers.

Step 1. Application

The first step in registering a company in the Russian Federation is to contact our law firm. You can leave a request on our website or write to us on Telegram. We will promptly answer all your questions and provide all the necessary information about the progress of work.

Step 2. Individual legal advice and preparation of an action plan

Upon receipt of your application, we will provide you with individual legal advice. Our experienced lawyers will study the situation, listen to your needs and help you develop an action plan aimed at the successful registration of a company in the Russian Federation. We will take into account all the specifics of your business and tell you about the necessary documents, procedures and requirements so that you could be sure of further actions.

Step 3. Conclusion of the contract and preparation of the necessary documents

After discussing the details of the case and agreeing on an action plan, we conclude a contract for the provision of legal services and get down to work.

To register a legal entity we will prepare and draw up the following documents: an application, a decision on the establishment of a legal entity, a constituent document (in the case of registration of a JSC it is also necessary to prepare a decision on the issue of shares with permission from the competent authority), a document on the payment of the state duty (not required in case of submitting documents through a notary or when registering a JSC).

To register as an individual enterprise you need an application, a copy of a certification document, a document confirming the payment of the state duty.

The process of preparing documents includes a thorough review and analysis of legal regulations to ensure that the submitted documentation meets the requirements. We will ensure the timely submission of all necessary documents to the relevant state registration authorities.

Step 4. Sign up

After preparing and agreeing on the documents, we will start tracking the process, which will ensure that all the necessary procedures are carried out efficiently. Our team has extensive experience in working with all state registration and control authorities, which allows us to quickly and efficiently perform all the necessary work.

We will keep in constant communication with you, provide you with information on the progress of the registration process and answer any questions you may have.

Step 5. Achieving a positive result

Our goal is to ensure the successful registration of your company in the Russian Federation. Our team of professionals knows all the subtleties and nuances of registering companies in the Russian Federation and is ready to apply their experience to ensure the most transparent registration of your business.

After successful registration, we will be ready to assist with the next steps. First of all, we will help you receive a notification about the completion of the registration process and the assignment of a TIN. After that, you can proceed to an important step for business - opening a current account with a bank in order to ensure the ability to conduct financial activities.

Legal advice on business registration

If you have any questions or need advice regarding the process of registering a business in the Russian Federation, our team of lawyers is ready to provide you with support. We have significant experience and expertise in the field of corporate law of the Russian Federation, so we will assist you in understanding the requirements of Russian laws and provide professional recommendations.

We also provide support after the completion of the registration process, helping you with accounting, taxation and other aspects of doing business in the Russian Federation. Our goal is not only to help you register a company, but also to ensure your long-term success of the project.

Contact us today to get professional help and support in registering your company.