Our range of services also includes registration of rights to other intellectual property (IP).

Obtaining a certificate for a computer program in Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property

Registering a computer program is an important step to ensure security, protect rights and strengthen the position of a software product on the market.

The procedure includes filing an application for registration of a computer program, providing detailed documentation about the program, its description and functionality. After thorough analysis and verification by Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property, the program receives an official registration certificate confirming its intellectual property status.

Registration of a computer program with Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property provides you with legal protection against illegal use, copying or distribution by third parties. It also increases the level of trust from partners and customers in your software product. Our team of specialists is ready to provide you with professional support at all stages of the computer program registration process, ensuring compliance with all norms and requirements of the law.

Inclusion of software in the MinTsifry register of national software.

The service "entering software into the register of national software" is the process of including your software product into the official register of national software. This register is maintained by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation (MinTsifry).

The procedure for entering software into the register of national software includes the provision of documentation confirming that your software complies with the established requirements and standards. Upon successful completion of the process, your product receives the status of officially recognized national software.

The inclusion of software in the MinTsifry register is an important step to confirm its compliance with the laws and quality standards. In turn, it allows your software product to be recognized and trusted in the eyes of customers and partners. Our team of experts is ready to provide professional support in the process of entering your software into the register of national software, ensuring compliance with all necessary regulations and requirements.

Copyright escrow

According to the laws of the Russian Federation, there is no procedure for registration of copyright and related rights objects. An author who has created a work is automatically considered its legal owner and receives the appropriate legal protection.

A mechanism for electronic deposit of intellectual property objects (IPO) has been developed for quick fixation of copyright. Digital escrow of an IPO is the placement of an intellectual property object in the form of a file into a secure cell. An escrow certificate is then issued, which can serve as evidence in the event of disputes over ownership.

Our experts ensure that your rights are deposited safely and securely.

They ensure that your intellectual property is well protected with our professional support.